Clever Fit

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Game about healthy food

In the game Clever Fit you learn that healthy eating has an influence on your sports performance.

During the game Clever Fit you spell your own menus together. Water is the most important ingredient. Fruit and fiber also provide a lot. Sweets cost your points.

The game works according to the drafting principle. You choose a card from your hand and pass the rest to the next players. You do this until everyone has a pile of nine cards. In the next round, you are going to eat the food. You do this by playing the cards. You then move your scoring marker forward in the category that corresponds to the food you discard.

On the game board you see an athletics track on the outside. This is the score track on which all the points of the are added together. Whoever is furthest ahead on the track after three meals wins the game!

Clever Fit is an educational game where you use your knowledge of the food triangle to make sensible choices.

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